Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where can i buy new front headlight bulbs for a Ford Puma? ?

I'm a new driver and haven't had to change anything before. I've looked online but could use some advice as my mechanic told me to buy the bulbs.
Where can i buy new front headlight bulbs for a Ford Puma? ?
Go to Halfords and ask there, the staff are very helpful!
Where can i buy new front headlight bulbs for a Ford Puma? ?
A car accessories shop like Halfords springs to mind
You could try somewhere like comet.
All car bulbs have what is called an ISO number. Once you know that you can go into almost any service station or mororist shop and ask for one.

Headlight bulbs are nearly always either H1, H11, or H5. That is the ISO number.

Not sure what your Ford has but the owners handbook should tell you.