Friday, September 23, 2011

1997 Honda Civic--changing headlight--metal hinge question?

I switched the driver-side headlight bulb but can't figure out how to rehinge the metal hinge before putting on the rubber ring. Help!
1997 Honda Civic--changing headlight--metal hinge question?
I think that there are three offset tabs that have to be engaged into the surrounding ring to secure the bulb on that model. if you don't have the ring properly oriented it won't lock the tabs in to turn the lock collor back in place.

if you didn't remove a ring to take the bulb out then the style you have is a spring loaded clip on the bottom or top of the bulb that has to be locked under the tab on the new bulb to keep it in place.

i think you have the retaining ring type and you'll need to look on the back of the ring to see where the slots for the tabs are that mate the ring to the housing.

hope that helps