Thursday, September 15, 2011

How do you change headlight bulb on 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport?

I have a 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport, and can't find any clear answer showing how to change the headlight bulb. Does anyone know how to do this?

I already checked the owners manual and it didn't help.

How do you change headlight bulb on 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport?
your car takes a H4 bulb/9003hb2. to replace the bulb

open you hood

there is a rubber grommet the size of a coaster thats where the bulb is located. unplug the plug (squeeze the side of the plug and it should slide right off)

remove the grommet. just pull if off away from the headlight.

the bulb is secured by a spring clip push the clip towards the front of the car and move it to one side to get it unhooked from the headlight housing.

pull the head light bulb out. replace with new head light bulb (MAKE SURE NOT TO TOUCH THE GLASS OF THE NEW BULB)

secure the bulb with the spring clip.

put rubber grommet back on

plug the harness back on the bulb.

your done

How do you change headlight bulb on 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport?
I don't have your vehicle specific answer, but either you access it from under the hood directly, or you will have to unbolt the headlight assembly, then remove the bulbs.